Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wednesday October 22nd

The Indian summer seems to be over here in Virginia and things have started turning cold. This past weekend, Dad & Joey came down to visit and we went to the Redskins/Browns game. We all had a blast and of course the Browns were close enough to win but shot themselves in the foot way too many times. Rachel is doing great and she has officially learned how to crawl everywhere. She only uses her hands and knees. No more belly soldier crawl everywhere. She also developed a small rash on the front base of her neck. You might see it in some of these pictures. It has cleared up on its own and she is fine. Rachel has also learned how to pull herself up onto almost anything and she will stand there swaying until she falls down. It is a matter of time before she is walking. Plus, she babbles and babbles and is starting to mimic. She is a fabulous baby and we are truly blessed.
Lisa is being sent to Sweden in November and i am not sure who is worried more. Her with leaving the baby OR me being left with the baby. Luckily Grandma Wendy is coming to stay for most of the days. So we will be fine. Here are some pictures since the last post.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Such a pretty girl!

Can you believe how big she is already?! Wow! Good job Mom & Dad!!