Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday October 5th 2008

We are doing fine in Virginia. Rachel had had a slight cold and a cough but she has not really been hindered by this. She has been (for the most part), her normal jovial self. We took her to the doctor about the cough and he told us she had a double ear infection and we have been giving her antibiotics twice daily now for about a week. If the doctor hadn't told us she had the infection, we never would have believed it. She has really been quite the trooper with the slight cough and runny nose. She does not like the antibiotics and it is a twice daily fight to get her to swallow that orange medicine.

Rachel has also started crawling like a fool. It is not so much as crawling as it is body surfing around. she goes from room to room following people and exploring. She also now can sit herself up on her own. One second she is on her stomach, then she rolls over to her back, and then sits up. I have nothing to compare this to, but people tell me that she is doing this months before most children do. She also babbles and babbles and runs her mouth almost as much as her mother does.

Other than all of us sharing a cold and her new found mobility, nothing much else of note is going on. And that is nice!

1 comment:

matt said...

hope lisa don't see the mouth part!!!lol

that is great she is up and crawling around,,,next will be boys friends!!!