Thursday, March 27, 2008

Thursday - March 27

Aunt Jackie and Grandma Wendy are here enjoying the newness of Rachel. Here are some pictures that we took today. Mom and baby are doing better and better everyday.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter pictures

Our family just stayed home and relaxed today. Lisa decided to have some fun and dressed Rachel up in a dress that is just a bit too big. But in all fairness, it is the smallest dress we had for her.

Happy Easter

Nothing new to report in Virginia. Everyone seems to be doing fine and we are all watching college basketball. Lisa took this photo before her doctors appointment earlier this week. Rachel seems very comfy and toasty.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Grandpa's Watching

My father sent this photo by email. He is hoping that I print it out and keep it near Rachel, so she knows that Grandpa is watching. I still think this could be a mugshot photo...

Good Friday 03/21/08

Rachel had another doctors appointment yesterday and the doctor called her perfect. She is doing quite well and there really is nothing to report. Sleep has been a premium for Lisa but she has been recovering extremely quickly.

No pictures to post but we are hoping to get a few good ones during the easter weekend.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day

We are on our second tour of grandma's coming to visit and here are a few photos that have been taken. Lisa and Rachel are doing great and the feedings are getting better and better. Rachel is back to her birth weight and the jaundice is almost completely gone.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday 3/14

Everything is going great with our family. Rachel had her first doctors appointment on Thursday and she got a clean bill of health. The doctor did not have a single concern and that was a huge relief. Rachel also has been nursing much better and the feedings are going great now (i sure hope i am not jinxing anything. knock on wood.) All she really has been doing is eating and sleeping. She also has not had a major crying fit for almost 2 days. I have only been able to take pictures when she is sleeping, so they are not that exciting. I am hoping to get some better ones this weekend when she is using her swing and bouncy seat.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Today was another day of adjustments for Rachel. She is doing fine but is still struggling with the nursing part. The poor little girl has cried so much that she actually has gotten hoarse. (note - she has not cried so much that she has gotten a horse!) Her hoarse cries are a double edged sword. They sound extremely cute and delicate and make you want to giggle. But they also make you extremely sad because your child has cried so much that her throat is sore. Not many picture opportunities but i will give you some of her when she was sleeping today.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Home for the first time..

Rachel and Lisa were both released from the hospital today after getting a clean bill of health. Once they got settled in, it was a very stressful evening for both but they are doing fine. Rachel is still trying to get the hang of breast feeding and she has been very vocal about it. But for only being 2 days old, she is doing fine. Both are currently getting some well deserved sleep. Well, for another 90 minutes or so (at most).
I really did not get any great pictures today, but once we get everyone used to the surroundings and routines, i will try and take a few more snapshots.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Rachel Marie - day 2

Nothing new to report today. Baby and Lisa are doing great and we are expecting them to be released to go home around noon Tuesday. All Rachel did today was sleep, attempt to breast feed and cry (which sounded more like a small pig squealling). She is getting better every attempt. No great pictures today but here are the best of the best.....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

more pictures of Rachel Marie

Welcome to the world Rachel Marie Sigler

Well, our baby girl finally decided to make her much anticpated appearance this evening. She checked in around 6:30 and weighed 7 pounds 11 ounces. She is also 19 and a half inches long. Lisa did a fantastic job (so i hear, i was no where near that room when this happened) and we are all doing great. I will post some pictures .