Sunday, March 2, 2008

Still no baby...

It is noon on Sunday and still no word from the baby girl. One of Lisa's doctors told her the due date was 2/24 and we are now a week past that. But her ultrasound doctors told her the due date was 3/4 and we are still a few days from that. So who knows. It could be later today or it still could be 2 more weeks. I will keep you updated. If it were up to Lisa, it would be done. She is completely ready for this to be over with.


tabouli said...

Like daughter, like father. Keith, you were in no hurry to come into this world either. You were do in the middle of January and held on for as long as you could until March. I guess our little angel has a little more cooking to do!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you both,, no wait, love you three!


tabouli said...

I know, I know I spelled due wrong. I will never live it down!!!