Thursday, May 29, 2008

Mouse in the House - May 29th

Nothing much going on here in Virginia. Before we left for Ohio, we had found little pellets near our stove and on our counters in the kitchen. Not many but enough that were unexplained that I suspected we had a mouse. We had not seen any other evidence (nibbled grocery bags or food or even seen him). We cleaned our kitchen spotless before we left for our trip and when we came home , there were many pellets all over again. So first thing Monday morning (we got home at Monday 2:00am) i went to Home Depot and bought 4 glue pads and put them down around where we found pellets in the kitchen. I even put a small dab of peanut butter in the middle of two of them. I was sure that this would work. Tuesday morning, no carcass but both peanut butter dabs were gone and there were paw marks in the glue traps. This now 100% confirmed we had a visitor. Way to go &^**ing glue traps! After work on Tuesday i went back to home depot and bought 4 "traditional" traps and set them around the kitchen with some peanut butter as bait. I was positive that this would work. Wednesday morning, no traps had gone off but mucho pellets and all peanut butter was gone. WTF! Either i am facing genius mouse or i am an idiot. I am leaning to the idiot part. Trust me all traps were set properly because they snapped when i went near them. So back to home depot Wednesday after work and I buy 4 more mouse traps. So now i have spent almost $40 and have 4 glue pads and 8 mouse traps all over my kitchen. I even put some traditional traps against the glue pads so the bastard would have to go through 2 of em to get the bait. This morning...One of them finally caught the damn thing. What relief. I have literally tossed and turned the last 4 nights dreaming about mice and rats. Little ones, big ones. Some chasing me. Some trying to catch me in traps. People wearing Mickey Mouse ear hats all over. It was really strange. I have truly been turning into captain ahab thinking about this mouse 24/7. I still have no idea where this thing was living, how it got in, and if there are more. I am leaving some traps around just in case, but i think i should sleep better tonight. Here some more pictures of family.


Cheryle said...

That's hilarious!! I miss Rachel!! We want her back!

belsum said...

Way to go Ahab! I'm glad you finally caught Moby Mouse!