One more work day until a 3-day weekend. I have been looking forward to that for at least a month. Not only is it nice to have a day off from work, but it is another day that we can spend the whole day with Rachel.
During a standard weekday, i see Rachel for 90 seconds in the morning. She usually comes running into my bedroom screaming Daddy and looking for me. At this point I have usually already hit the snooze button a few times. She looks at me, smiles and giggles a little bit and if i am lucky, i get a hug or a kiss. Then Lisa and her are off to go to the babysitters. Then i get home around 5:15 and Lisa and Rachel come in at about the same time. We then have about 2-1/2 hours before she goes to bed. She is usually asleep by 8:00pm. So to total, on an average workday, i get at most 3 total hours of time with my daughter. But on weekends and days off, i get to spend alot more time with her, and i like that. So i am looking forward to the long weekend, not only to recharge the batteries, but to spend an extra whole day with Rachel.
Us three are doing fine. My work is still going strong. Lisa is doing good and she is trying to get adjusted to the new company Ericsson has sold her division to. Rachel is doing great and learning more and more everyday. She is starting to get real whiny and throws fits when she does not get her way. She has massive mood swings. Crying one minute and giggling the next. And she does not like to be told 'No'. This is not a fun stage.
I do not want to talk about that debacle last night with the Cavs. I hope the players slept as poorly as i did.
Here are some pictures of the adorable Rachel playing outside. There are also some pictures of her playing right after she pulled her pants off (still in a diaper).