Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday December 10th

Rachel had her 9-month birthday yesterday. She also had her 9-month check up. She is perfect and is doing great. She is now 28-1/4" inches tall (75% percentile) and weighs 17lbs-9oz (25% percentile). She also has a tooth that has come through and another about to pop. She also is standing on her own for longer periods of time but still no actual walking.
Rachel also is no longer a vegetarian. She had a chicken and apples puree for dinner earlier this week.
Rachel has not been sleeping so well the last few weeks and we attribute it to teething and growing pains. She wakes up multiple times in the night and only wants her mommy. In the night when she is crying, she clearly babbles words that only begin with M and sound like mom. It does not matter what i do, she wants nothing to do with me in the night. But the minute Lisa grabs her, she settles down and falls back asleep. This makes it easy on me and much more difficult for Lisa.
Rachel also waves and claps and points at things now. She is quite developed for her age. She has the motor skills of a 11 & a half month old! (that was a joke for those who could not tell. mostly a joke)
Here are some pictures taken recently.