Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday August 31st

Nothing of note going on in Virginia. Rachel has been battling a slight cold and fever but she is doing fine. There is not really anything else going on of note here. Rachel does not like "eating" her rice meal. She tends to turn her head whenever the she sees the spoon. And the times that she does not spin her head, Ala 'The Exorcist', she grabs the spoon and flings it's contents all over. Resembling 'King Kong' grabbing the planes on the empire state building. So yes, my daughter is a cross between a giant gorilla and a head twirling devil possessed child.

Rachel is babbling more and stringing consonants. She also seems to be getting longer and longer. She also doesn't really cry or make a fuss unless she is hungry or wet. She also sleeps most of the night. We truly have one of the best babies and we are thankful.

Here are some pictures that we have taken. Rachel has started to sleep with her butt up in the air. It does not look comfortable but who am i to judge. Here is a picture of her sleeping like that.

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