Hello. Life is wonderful and we are all doing great in Virginia. Lisa has started her new job at
LGS Innovations. She seems happier, so that is nice.
Lisa is also pregnant and due in March, so there is also that. We won't find out the gender of the new baby for a few more weeks, but we will let you know as soon as we do. The estimated due date is March 3rd, so that hypothetically puts the new baby right between me (2
nd) and Rachel (9
th). It should make for a very interesting March.
Rachel is doing awesome and getting bigger, smarter and cuter everyday. There is not a day that goes by that she does not make me laugh, smile and be amazed at her. She is truly a blessing and we love her dearly.
My work is going good. August was my best month (ever) sales wise, so that is nice. It was perfect timing to coincide with the time off (and lack of
paycheck) Lisa had between jobs. I know how fortunate we are to have jobs and how lucky we are to be keeping our heads out of water. I know how
alot of other Americans and specifically
midwestern people are struggling.
Below are some pictures taken with the
iphone. Lisa and I have just upgraded to the new 4G and they are fabulous! The video and camera are upgraded and it is really neat talking face to face with the video.
There are also new pictures we took a dew weeks back when we went as a family to the local animal farm. I took better pictures of Rachel on the tractors. We really could not get any good pictures with Rachel and the animals because they are fenced in and she would not really pose by them.