Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday July 21st

Since my last post, nothing major of note has happened. My dad and brother came to visit for a weekend and we ended up in Atlantic City with some dude named Bo. I won some $$'s, so i cannot complain. I had a fun weekend with them boys. Lisa's Mom came and took her and Rachel to a family reunion for a weekend while i was with my dad. By all accounts we both had a good time. Rachel is doing great. Her hair is slowly growing and she just drools and smiles a lot. She is a very happy baby. Work is going great for me, and Lisa..still has her job. I was talked into getting NCAA 09 football for my x-box by a few co-workers, so it seems to be taking up the little bit of free time i have. Here are some pictures taken from the last week or so.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday July 10th

Quick update from Rachel's 4-month doctor appointment this morning. She does not like getting immunization shots! Also, she is perfectly healthy and now weighs 13lbs-12oz. This puts her in the 50th percentile for weight. She is also 25-1/2 inches long. This puts her in the 90th percentile for height. Lisa and I already knew she was tall because she is 4 months old and is now wearing one piece pajamas that are sized for 6-9 month old babies.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Wednesday July 9th

It has been too long since my last post. I am sorry about that. Life is fine for us 3 in Virginia. Rachel turned 4 months old today. She is getting so aware of her surroundings and is developing her own individual personality. It is fabulous to watch her grow. Rachel has her 4 month doctor appointment tomorrow. It will have been her first doctors visit in 2 months. We will find out her new height and weight. I will post that later this week. Also tomorrow, we will be getting a house full of visitors. Grandma Wendy will be arriving in the afternoon. The three girls will be heading off Friday to go to a family reunion for the weekend. Also arriving late Thursday evening will be my brother Joe and Grandpa Siggy. They are also bringing an old war buddy of Joey's and the 4 of us will be spending the weekend together. We will be catching a Nats game in their brand new ballpark on Friday (Washington DC's baseball team for the uninformed). There is even talk of a road trip to Atlantic City for Saturday afternoon and evening. It should be an interesting weekend for the whole families. Here is a bombardment of pictures taken in the last 2 weeks. If you are wondering, i bought the Cavaliers cheerleader dress. And I also bought a cute Cleveland Browns cheerleader outfit for football season sitting in the closet. Obviously we have some Indians gear ffor her but even Rachel is to embarrassed and ashamed to wear it right now. (the only thing missing from her sports arsenal is some Ohio State clothing. She may be technically born in Virginia and a product of the commonwealth, she is not going to escape being taught how to finish a chant when someone screams O-H. So if anyone wants to donate for some Scarlet and Gray clothing for pictures and the early Buckeye brainwashing feel free. If only we knew someone who lived in ohio....)
Also, we have started to use the hd dvd recorder we have. I have installed the movie clip editor and now just have to figure out how to dowload, edit and post these things and i will start putting up videos of Rachel. It just takes time to figure these things out. Between work, Rachel and the X-Box 360 there is not enough hours in the day. But I am almost completely through with Grand Theft Auto and Madden football is a month away, i should have some time to figure it all out.